
The face of the working world is changing. Schools and organizations that bring international students to this country are acting as change agents who will shape the new global work force. To assist international students in their adjustment to the U.S. and make a campus realize the wonderful resource they have in these students are goals that benefit both the U.S. student and the International student. Campuses that embrace this thinking will develop a well rounded and worldly constituency. Because of the unique position student affairs professionals hold in colleges and universities, they are at a great advantage to increase the multicultural consciousness of students and the entire campus community. At the intersection of academic, social and recreational life on a college campus, the student affairs professional can be the one force which brings together specific cultural groups to share information about their own culture. This booklet will show how anyone working with international students in an academic setting can assist in presenting multicultural events which will be respectful and sensitive to their needs. This is a guide to serve the many people who would like to go further with their international student population. I have tried to avoid assumptions about type of college so this booklet can be of use to as many people as possible. From my own experience I've come up with a set of guidelines and suggestions. Since every situation is different, you will need to mold your activities to the specifics of your campus and student population. Working with international students is an on-going learning experience. It will be a continuous processes of learning about new cultures and about new groups of people within each culture. I've found that you can never "pigeon hole" anyone and think that since last year's group of students from Japan acted a certain way, that you can rely on all Japanese students to act the same way. Every group will be different, exciting and challenging. Stay open to learning about people, and you will have a positive outcome.


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