Home Institution

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Publication Date

Spring 2013

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


Morocco is often characterized by its diverse geographical elements such as deserts, waterfalls, mountains, and beachfronts, but an element that Morocco may not be as proud of yet can be found throughout the country is the bidonville. These small communities that tend to compose sub-sections of major cities host an astonishing number of the urban poor who are forced to live in compromised health and social stigma. Through an investigation of the bidonville dwellers’ experiences with the heath care services, this paper attempts to assess the relationship between the Moroccan healthcare system and the marginalized people it endeavors to, but instead fails to, protect. The purpose of this research is to also show how a socio-spatial element, like life in a bidonville, determines the level of personal health and also informs health choices. The results illuminate the disconnect between those that offer healthcare and those that are in dire need of it. This study will hopefully aid in bridging the gap between the relatively ineffective government social services and the people who struggle to access them.


Community Health | Health and Medical Administration | Health Services Administration | Inequality and Stratification | Medicine and Health | Medicine and Health Sciences | Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion | Rural Sociology


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