Home Institution

University of Vermont

Publication Date

Spring 2013

Program Name

Tanzania: Wildlife Conservation and Political Ecology


As a developing nation Tanzania is highly dependent on its agricultural sector, serving as a source of income generation for more than 80 percent of the population. Moreover, agriculture in Tanzania currently accounts for more than half of the country’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Currently smallholder farmers dominate the Tanzanian agricultural market. In the Western Usambara’s Lushoto District there is a high concentration of smallholder farmers who are involved in both the cash crop and subsistence agricultural markets of Tanzania. The sample population was Lushoto District farmers identifying as head of household individuals from either the village of Mazumbai, Mayo, Sagara or Mgwashi. Data was collected through a series of structured interviews with the n=68 farmers as well as n=9 key informant interviews. Types of data collected from interviews included types of crops grown, agricultural inputs, purchasing prices paid, location of crop sales and sale prices. The data collected presented the output side of the agricultural market to be the most significant influencing factor with regard to farmers success. Accessibility to both physical and economic markets are imperative to the sales of farmers crops at good prices.


Agricultural Economics | Agriculture
