Home Institution

Wesleyan University

Publication Date

Spring 2014

Program Name

Bolivia: Multiculturalism, Globalization, and Social Change


Based on the lessons learned in this program about multiculturalism, globalization and social change in Bolivia, this project connects these themes through a character study of a kallawaya man named Ramón Quispe Lizárraga and examines the analogy between traditional ritual and social activism; between restoration of ajayu and decolonization. A village of kallawaya healers in the province of Bautista Saavedra has a long tradition of maintaining ancestral values and at the same time confronting modernism. I used the participant observation method to be able to immerse myself in this community and understand the Andean cosmovision internalized in people’s actions and behaviors. To make sure that the result of this project could be shared effectively with others, I used the method of filming together with the first method. The final film is divided into five connected chapters: pacha mama, moderate climate herbs, warm climate herbs, loss, and decolonization.


Community-Based Research | Inequality and Stratification | Latin American Studies | Place and Environment | Politics and Social Change

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