Home Institution

Skidmore College

Publication Date

Fall 2009

Program Name

India: National Identity and the Arts


This paper describes my experience "Visualizing Tagore. " It presents the objective of my study, to create a series of art pieces inspired by Tagore's writing and philosophies, and relates the project to Tagore's theories about the nature of art and the creative ideal. In order to conduct this study, I traveled from Kolkata to Santiniketan and then to Darjeeling, creating artwork and researching Tagore 's personal history and accomplishments. This paper gives a brief description of Tag ore 's lifo in relationship to his world view and philosophies. It presents his philosophies of art and education, and relates these to my own experience creating art work based on Tagore. This was a successful project in which I created seventeen collage pieces inspired and influenced by Tagore 's life and work.


Art Practice | Philosophy

ISP#2.pdf (1901 kB)
Part 2

ISP#4.pdf (2189 kB)
Part 3

ISP#5.pdf (562 kB)
Part 4

Related Files ISP#2.pdf (1901 kB)
Part 2

ISP#4.pdf (2189 kB)
Part 3

ISP#5.pdf (562 kB)
Part 4


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