The Nexus Between Conflict and Development: A Case Study of the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Paula Green


Despite the tremendous work by the conflict transformation and development communities to transform our world into a better place, limited practical efforts are devoted to connecting their initiatives. The general image that covers initiatives from development and conflict transformation is that they operate independently. Such an approach challenges the effectiveness and sustainability of the good work of conflict transformation and development aimed at tackling root causes of the past and ongoing sociopolitical, economic, and environmental crises of our time.

This study is an examination of the nexus between conflict transformation and development initiatives and an exploration of alternatives for their possible integrated operation. To illustrate the connection between the two fields, I will examine a case study: Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline Project (CCOPP). Using qualitative research, this study explores the views of ordinary people in Chad and NGO representative’s perspectives through ten in-depth phone, internet, and in-person interviews.

The data analysis for this study showed a critical explanation of the connection between CCOPP, which is one of the biggest development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the current instability of the country. The study attributes the development failure of Chad to the unresolved socio-political, ethnic, and religious tensions embedded in the Chadian societies. The research findings add nuance to the growing awareness about the interest to connect conflict transformation and development initiatives.


Natural Resources Management and Policy | Peace and Conflict Studies

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