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Degree Name

MA in Conflict Transformation

First Advisor

John Ungerleider


The Inclusive Excellence Model has been used by college diversity offices all across the United States to help streamline diversity policy and foster a more inclusive collegial environment for students, staff, and faculty. It is now time for SIT Graduate Institute to benefit from this model. SIT has a long and rich history of diversity and inclusion work. However, much of that history has been lost or stored away in long-forgotten archives. Also, much of this memory has never been analyzed in a way that increases institutional wisdom. This study takes on the challenge of analyzing SIT’s institutional memory on diversity using the four core elements of the Inclusive Excellence Model with the purpose of creating a solid institutional narrative that helps guide SIT towards stronger inclusive practices. The evidence in this study makes a strong case for the utilization of the Inclusive Excellence Model in institutions of higher learning.


Business | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Urban Studies and Planning


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