"The Role of the Project Diacom in Reconciliation in Bosnia" by Vahidin Omanovic

Degree Name

MA in International and Intercultural Management

First Advisor

Karen Blanchard


There are many books and articles written and research done about the Genocide that happened in Bosnia in the 90'. At the same time I found only a few articles written about reconciliation in Bosnia and I found them in publications that were published by the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding. The author did research on the reconciliation process within a TOT group to see what the impact Project DiaCom, a five year dialogue project, had on the individuals in the group and to provide information about reconciliation in the Bosnian community. My main research question was about attitude changes that occurred with respect to reconciliation within the TOT group and how they compare to the general population in their community. Sub-questions were about similarities and differences between TOT based on their ethnic background, challenges they were facing during the process, trust-rebuilding within their dialogue group and the impact of a third party in the dialogue process. Through a questionnaire and in depth face-to-face interviews, I gathered perspectives from ten people in the TOT group. There were five Serbs and five Bosniacs. In addition, I did random search interviews on the streets of Sanski Most and Prijedor, interviewing five people from each town. The TOT group did change their attitudes toward reconciliation. The main difference between the TOT group and the random search interviewees was that the TOT group members believed that reconciliation was possible in their generation while random search interviewees believed that reconciliation was possible only in the next generation but not the current one.


Peace and Conflict Studies


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