"Alhamdoulillah: The Use of the Car Rapide as a Living Symbol of Senega" by Alicia Graziano

Home Institution

Skidmore College

Publication Date

Fall 2014

Program Name

Senegal: National Identity and the Arts


The car rapide is an inescapable part of daily Senegalese life. With their brightly painted decorations and their sheer number lining the streets of Dakar, car rapides have become a symbol of Senegal. Images of these vehicles can be found on postcards, in graffiti murals on the street, in guidebooks, and in artwork. The car rapides provide a picturesque image of Senegal for tourists, but for most local Senegalese people, they are seen as a necessary evil. In this study, I investigated all aspects of car rapide culture in Dakar, specifically, how because of their physical aesthetic and image, the car rapide has become a symbol of Senegal. Because of the Senegalese oral culture and tradition, I decided that the best way to exhibit my findings would be by writing a creative fiction narrative where the car rapide itself is given the opportunity to speak.


Arts and Humanities

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