Publication Date

Spring 2012

Program Name

Kenya: Health and Community Development


Awareness and prevalence of autism around the world is on the rise; however, much remains unknown about this developmental disability. This study is a survey of perceptions of individuals with autism in Kisumu and the services available to facilitate their development. Two areas of interest arose during this study. First, many children do not receive intervention services until a very late age, seriously hindering the success of the intervention. Many special schools do not accept children until they are well into vital stages of development, and the Educational Assessment and Resource Center (EARC) lacks the personal and funding to provide adequate services for young children. Second, most parents do not have sufficient knowledge of autism or how to help their children, limiting the success of intervention services due to lack of follow up. This paper analyzes the trends mentioned above and provides recommendations for future research and interventions for autistic persons in Kisumu, Kenya.


Disability and Equity in Education | Inequality and Stratification | Mental and Social Health | Public Health Education and Promotion


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