Home Institution

Wheaton College

Publication Date

Fall 2012

Program Name

Nicaragua: Revolution, Transformation, and Civil Society


Although the experiences of Nicaraguan immigrants to Costa Rica have been well-studied, the investigation of this topic through the lens of the construction of public policies is missing. Through the testimonies of Nicaraguans that emigrated or still live and work in Costa Rica, I learned that immigrants, especially those that are undocumented, are vulnerable to the violation of their rights, for example, through the lack of access to public services or mistreatment by their bosses. Because of these violations, it is necessary to examine the topic of the immigration policies of both countries because they influence the treatment and integration of immigrants. In my investigation, I interviewed Nicaraguan immigrants, officials from the offices of immigration and the Costa Rican Consulate, and representatives of civil society organizations in order to see how these groups could collaborate to take on the responsibility of constructing a binational and holistic immigration policy. Through this necessary effort, hopefully the treatment and integration of Nicaraguan immigrants in Costa Rica will improve.


Demography, Population, and Ecology | Growth and Development | Immigration Law | Inequality and Stratification | International Economics | Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Politics and Social Change | Social and Cultural Anthropology


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