"Surgeon Practices and Attitudes toward the Control of Surgical-Site In" by Sara Ali Mater

Home Institution

Gettysburg College

Publication Date

Fall 2014

Program Name

Jordan: Health and Community Development


The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes and practices of Jordanian surgeons on the control of surgical-site infections, evaluated by the Center of Disease Control’s guidelines toward the prevention of surgical-site infections, in addition to gaining respondents opinions on infection control in Jordan. This study was conducted through the distribution of 75 questionnaires given to surgeons at five hospitals in Jordan. Additional insight on SSI infection control was gained through interviews with two cardiac surgeons and three infection control directors. The results of the survey were compared with the Center for Disease Control’s guide to surgical-site infection to determine surgeon compliance with international recommended guidelines in patient antiseptic bathing, setting and method of patient hair removal, and use of antibiotic prophylaxis, in addition to measuring respondents’ views toward their own compliance of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative infection control protocol. Of the 75 surveys distributed, 57 were returned indicating a 76% response rate. Survey results suggest that a significant portion of surgeons surveyed were not in compliance with CDC recommended guidelines, with only 47.4% recommending preoperative bathing, 29.8% of surgeons removing patient hair in the operating room, only 57.1% using clippers as a means to removing patient hair prior to surgery, and 12.3% not using antibiotic prophylaxis regularly. Yet, when surgeons were questioned as to how well they follow preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative infection control protocol, 61.4%, 73.7%, and 72% respectively rated their adherence to these guidelines as “excellent” or “very good”. These results suggest the need for more education toward the prevention of surgical-site infections toward attending surgeons and surgical residents in addition to more effective surveillance of infection control programs at hospitals.


Health and Medical Administration | Medical Education | Medical Humanities | Near and Middle Eastern Studies | Public Health Education and Promotion | Surgery


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