"Cows and Colobus (Procolobus kirkii): Resource-Sharing Habits at Joza" by Emily Walz

Home Institution

Swarthmore College

Publication Date

Fall 2006

Program Name

Tanzania-Zanzibar: Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management


Due to population compression, the Zanzibar red colobus monkeys of Jozani have been forced to explore new food options on the ground. I studied the food preferences of this endangered species in the agricultural land adjacent to Jozani National Park and compared it with the species consumed by local cattle that graze in the same space. This information, along with a preliminary behavioral assessment of the red colobus monkeys when near cattle, provides a first look at the food species eaten by both cows and colobus, in addition to documenting some of the direct and indirect interactions that occur between them. This data may be used to shed light on the previously unknown nature of resource sharing between an endangered species and local livestock.


Animal Sciences


Article Location
