"A Study of Reptile Community Diversity Related to Habitat Characterist" by Julia Kowala

Home Institution

The College of Wooster

Publication Date

Fall 2017

Program Name

Madagascar: Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management


Marojejy National Park is known for its diversity. Though it is home to the silky sifaka, it has extensive populations of herpetofauna. Seventy-seven species of reptiles have been documented in Marojejy National Park. This study aimed to evaluate the reptile community diversity and habitat characteristics in the park through systematic searches of ten-by-ten-meter plots, and inventory of species as they were found throughout the park. Systematic searches yielded the finding of 19 of the total 25 species identified. Some species that were found had not been previously seen at Marojejy before, most notably, Brookesia sp. “Nosy Hara”, Brookesia desperata, Furcifer sp. “Montagne d’Ambre”, and Uroplatus phantasticus. In addition to not being documented at Marojejy, some of these species are not listed in the ‘Catalogue of Life’ on the ICUN Red List. These species include those listed previously, however in place of U. phantasticus, which is recognized, is Pareodura gracilis. This study also found specimens that have the potential to be new species, although further study and description of said organisms is required. The conclusion of this research is largely that more work needs to be done in obtaining basic information about herpetofauna in Marojejy National Park. Their habitat preferences need to be studied in conjunction with the species to better understand the community as a whole.


African Studies | Animal Sciences | Biodiversity | Environmental Policy | Environmental Sciences | Environmental Studies | Forest Biology | Forest Sciences | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology | Zoology


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