Home Institution

Smith College

Publication Date

Spring 2022

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


My paper will explore the conditions of gender minorities in Morocco through representation, NGOs, social structures, and resources therein to support the progress of acquiring more rights for these demographics. With an emphasis on the status of women in Morocco. My main questions as it stands are: What are the living conditions for women in Morocco and how can they be improved? What progress has been and still can be made to improve the quality of life and foster joy for these demographics in Morocco? Since the 1990s, there has been significant progress in Morocco to improve Family Law and with the 2011 Constitution, there have been more rights outlined for women in Morocco. Along with detailed narratives, this paper constructs the present status of women in Morocco and reflects on the potential for improvement. When compared to other countries of the world, Morocco appears to be behind on human rights issues. However, the path to empowerment begins with a politically and socially educated population. Therefore, the paper explores the history of women’s rights, feminist movements, and societal influences on women in Morocco in the recent past, present, and future.


African Studies | Civic and Community Engagement | Constitutional Law | Family Law | Gender and Sexuality | Inequality and Stratification | Law and Gender | Politics and Social Change | Women's Studies


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