Home Institution

Lehigh University

Publication Date

Spring 2023

Program Name

Portugal: Sustainability and Environmental Justice


Surfing and surfing tourism are a critical part of Portugal’s economy and culture. Nazaré is a town that embodies a transition from a traditional fishing village to one that lives and breathes surf. Such a quick change in the leading industry of a town raises concerns about the impacts it has on the community. Therefore, the project focuses on the economic, social and cultural, and environmental impacts of tourism intensification on the local community in Nazaré through the perspective of the local people who are directly impacted and witness these changes. Other stakeholders are included, such as the Garrett McNamara Foundation and the Nazaré Municipality, to create an all-encompassing analysis. The results show that increases in surfing tourism have increased economic revenue and opportunities in Nazaré, but have also reduced the ability of locals to afford living there. It was also found that such a transition is evolving the locals' relationship with the ocean to become more positive. Cultural exchanges also lead to more open-minded perspectives, the learning of new languages and cultures, and the sharing of stories. However, an increase in tourism leads to environmental costs, such as increased pollution and urban waste. Nevertheless, a focus on surfing tourism embraces nature and teaches all those who live within it to protect it, resulting in higher rates of environmental stewardship in Nazaré.


Civic and Community Engagement | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Regional Economics | Sustainability | Tourism


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