Home Institution

Dickinson College

Publication Date

Spring 2024

Program Name

Cameroon: Development and Social Change


Rotating Credits and Savings Associations (ROSCAs) are present in much of the developing world and are incredibly common in Cameroon. The financial impacts of ROSCAs have been researched extensively, but there has been less research on the social impacts and non-financial benefits. This research aims to fill this gap and add to the discussion of ROSCAs in Cameroon (called njangis), as well as demonstrate how njangis are social institutions. This project is in the specific context of njangis in Batoufam and Yaoundé, Cameroon. Interviews and observations informed the conclusion that there are extensive social impacts and non-financial benefits within the social institutions of njangis in Cameroon.


African Studies | Behavioral Economics | Civic and Community Engagement | Development Studies | Finance | Finance and Financial Management


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