First Advisor

Sabhyata Timsana


Nepal’s education system is littered with flaws: teachers are underpaid and untrained, development of the curriculum is neglected, and the number of students failing examinations is higher than the number of those who pass. These problems are consistent throughout the country and as a result, the system that supposedly aims to produce future scientists, engineers, and leaders instead churns out citizens and leaders that repeat the mistakes of past generations. In the past, there has been no movement or reform planned for the low quality of schooling. However, different schools and organizations scattered throughout the country are attempting to do something about the problem by adopting new pedagogies; in one of Nepal’s poorest and most remote districts is the Modern Model Residential School (MMRS), which has adopted a progressive approach to teaching students. The school aims to avoid the traditional form of education commonly found in Nepal and use different technology in combination with hands-on learning to develop skills. This paper dives into how schools like MMRS use progressivism to attempt to change the system that has been characterized as problematic for over half-a-century now.

Keywords: Philosophy of education, education: administration, curriculum and instruction


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education


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