Home Institution

Pomona College

Publication Date

Spring 2013

Program Name

Cameroon: Social Pluralism and Development


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the effects of the Kribi Deep Seaport project will be positive for economic development in Cameroon, and how the Port will affect Cameroon’s regional and global role. The study was conducted over a one-month period and was primarily qualitative in nature. The principal method of inquiry was interviews, which were complemented by quantitative secondary source research. Although most informants asserted that the project was a positive step for the country, the information they provided led me to conclude that the project was undertaken prematurely and will not promote sustainable economic development in Cameroon. There were several findings that led me to this conclusion. First, the lack of adequate educational infrastructure in the country, excluding most Cameroonians from taking advantage of the employment opportunities generated. Second, the lack of transparency and the demonstrated inability of the government to effectively utilize revenues, meaning that natural resource wealth would be wasted. The final result that led to my conclusion was the negative implications of the expansion of the relationship with China that the Port entails. Ultimately, the Port is a good project in principle, but the current circumstances will nullify the potential benefits.


African Studies | Growth and Development | Infrastructure


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