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Bowdoin College

Publication Date

Fall 12-1-2014

Program Name

Ecuador: Comparative Ecology and Conservation


The Andean Ibis (Theristicus branickii) of the highland grasslands of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia is listed globally as Near Threatened and Critically Endangered in Ecuador. The Ecuadorian population is estimated at 100 individuals and is restricted to the vicinities of Volcán Antisana and Volcán Cotopaxi. Knowledge of the nesting biology of the Andean Ibis in Ecuador consists of a single filming in 1989. Much of its general ecology and movements is also unknown. The purpose of this study was to find evidence of nesting ibis in Ecuador while also collecting data on behavior, population, movements and interspecific interactions. Data was collected in November 2014 through direct field observations at three sites in general area of the Reserva Ecológica Antisana. No nests were recorded, but the lack of behavior consistent with nest tending and the observation of copulation allow the nesting period to be estimated to occur from December through January. Additionally, a map of movements suggesting daily movement between study sites was created. Novel observations include a probable subadult ibis, a previously undocumented courtship behavior, and Andean Gulls following foraging ibis.


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | International and Area Studies | Latin American Studies | Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Population Biology | Zoology


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