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Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights

Publication Date

Fall 2016

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


On January 6, 2016, the Moroccan telecommunications regulatory agency, the ANRT, announced a ban onVoice Over Internet Protocol(VoIP) calling services such as Skype, WhatsApp, and Viber. The ban triggered sweeping opposition among the Moroccan public, opening discussion of digital rights, censorship, and Internet governance. Considering liberal democratic rights in the 2011 Moroccan Constitution and a history of censorship, this study analyzes the official justification of the ANRT alongside additional explanations involving business interests and the security services. The purpose of this study is to gauge the perceptions of Moroccans on the decision of the ANRT and provide a holistic explanation. Through interviews with three professionals, this study examines alternative perceptions of the ban and compares the bases of each.


Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Communication | Communications Law | Digital Communications and Networking | Internet Law | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Technology and Innovation


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