Home Institution

University of Puget Sound

Publication Date

Spring 2018

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


The interaction between author and reader is not as simple nor as direct as may at times be assumed. There are “gatekeepers” and middle men who mediate the transmission of ideas from writer to reader; these institutions and their ideologies determine the final product that will (or will not) be presented to readers. In Morocco, this author-reader interaction is further complicated by the language ideologies which pervade the realm of Moroccan literature. As Moroccan publishers and booksellers are the “gatekeepers” who arguably engage the most in language politics, this study examines their role in facilitating or inhibiting the Moroccan author-reader interaction. Also explored is how Moroccan authors’ language(s) of writing impact their experiences in the publishing industry. This research thus constitutes an exploratory study aimed at mapping the dynamics of language ideologies in Morocco’s publishing and book industry.


African Languages and Societies | African Studies | Anthropology | Comparative Literature | Linguistic Anthropology


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