Home Institution

University of Washington

Publication Date

Fall 2018

Program Name

India: Public Health, Gender, and Community Action


The research question this study addresses is: How do community-based promoters contribute to the delivery and utilization of health insurance among marginalized populations in India? To address this question, the successes and difficulties experienced by VimoSEWA community-based insurance promoters, called aagewans, were investigated through field visits and personal interviews in Ahmedabad and nearby rural districts in Gujarat. VimoSEWA’s insurance delivery model is an appropriate topic of investigation for this study because its beneficiaries are self-employed women with limited prior access to financial protection. Both aagewans and insurance members were interviewed during this study to develop a comprehensive understanding of the importance of community-based promoters in health insurance delivery and the various factors that impact their role. The role of VimoSEWA aagewans in promoting and delivering health insurance to self-employed women in Gujarat is significant because insurance improves the financial stability of these women and their families. Furthermore, health insurance is effective in decreasing high out-of-pocket healthcare expenses and improving access to quality healthcare services. However, the benefits of health insurance can only be attained by marginalized populations if insurance is made accessible to these communities through proper delivery methods.


Asian Studies | Family, Life Course, and Society | Health Services Research | Medicine and Health


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