Home Institution

St. Michael's College

Publication Date

Spring 2013

Program Name

Samoa: Pacific Communities and Social Change


This paper addresses the question of whether young Samoans are adequately encouraged to pursue creative fields, specifically writing. It examines relevant literature on the role of libraries and catalysts for early-learning reading as well as the benefits of creative writing, uses interviews with professors, editors, authors and librarians in surveying the current state of creative writing among young Samoans and how the roles of the culture, resources and the curriculums impact this, utilizes surveys to gauge student interest in writing, and finally culminates in a creative writing workshop held to expose university students to writing. The findings point to a lack of emphasis on creative outlets for young Samoans, arising from cultural as well as resource issues, but also finds that students want more writing in their education and initiatives are in place to support further growth in the field. Samoa has much room to grow, but the emphasis on reading and writing is improving through the combined efforts of the government and passionate individuals, so young Samoan writers are exposed to new opportunities every day.


Creative Writing | Critical and Cultural Studies


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