"Women As Global Business Executives" by Phuong Linh Thúy Trân


The global organization can be seen as becoming more feminine in its business strategies and structure. Success factors that can be attributed to women’s work style in the new world economy include the following: building and maintaining business relationships; networking across industries; empowering people; the ability to listen, be patient, flexible, and empathetic; and working collaboratively while seeing the big picture. The main objective of this paper is to identify women’s personality characteristics and leadership skills that will help them be outstanding global business executives.

Using information from literature and published research, the profile of an effective global executive is described in this paper. In addition, information on female leadership skills and personality characteristics is explored through literature and interviews. Those who can benefit from this work include human resources professionals (recruiters, selection committees) and expatriate managers who can use the profile of a global executive as a measurement and selection tool. Professional women’s organizations, any individual entering the global workforce, colleges and universities, and corporate trainers will find the information useful in identifying personality characteristics and leaderships skills necessary in the global workplace and in advocating for women for global leadership positions.


Business | Women's Studies
