"Community Partnerships for Protecting Children, Portland ME: Case Stud" by Nicholas D. Kjeldgaard

Community Partnerships for Protecting Children, Portland ME: Case Study and Recommendations


Over the past several decades it has become apparent that the current methods and techniques used by child protective services agencies across the nation are not serving their communities adequately. Community leaders nationwide agree that keeping children healthy and safe is a difficult task and that it should not be the sole responsibility of child protective services agencies. Instead, it must be a collaborative effort that includes everybody who lives and works in a community.

In this policy paper I will focus on a community-based program that seeks to strengthen families and protect children in Portland, Maine. I will examine the growth of community partnerships and the positive effects they have had around the country. I will then shift to the Portland initiative and critique the current policy. I will conclude the paper by offering a list of policy recommendations aimed at making it easier for the Portland initiative to better serve its constituents and reach its goal of changing the way child protective services are conducted statewide.


Regional Sociology | Social Welfare

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