"Popular Participation and Collaboration-Building Based on African Cult" by Joan Henley

First Advisor

Marla Solomon


In 1993 I spent my six-month internship working with ENDA (Environmental and Development Action in the Third World), an international African-based NGO (non-governmental organization) headquartered in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. Through conducting informal interviews I became acquainted with most of the ENDA team directors, for example, of the GRAF (Groupement pour Recherches-Action-Formation/Group for Research-Action-Training), EDEV (Education-Environnementale/Environmental-Education), and RUP (Relais Urbain Populaire/Urban Popular Support) teams. I became informed about many development projects as I accompanied the team leaders into the field and observed their interaction with the beneficiaries. Some project examples are, "Young Girls in Moral and Physical Danger," (basic education classes for economically deprived young girls with little education in danger of becoming prostitutes), "No More Street Children" (sex education classes and vocational training for street children with little education and no family support), and "Women's Savings and Credit Associations."

Simultaneously, I became acquainted with the president of one of the youth associations in Dakar who was doing collaborative work with the ENDA-AV (Audio-Visual) team. I accompanied him and other youth leaders into their "popular neighborhoods" to conduct interviews with them concerning the need for basic community services.


Sociology of Culture
