"Empowering Those Who Empower Others: Human Resource Training in Microf" by Leslie Solvejg Zucker

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Dart Thalman


In today’s world where the disparity between rich and poor continues to increase, many nations are turning to microfinance institutions for help. These institutions provide credit and other financial services to small and “micro” business owners who make up the lower socio-economic classes, empowering them to improve their economic well being. Proven successful and profitable in most cases, the banking market is witnessing a growing number of new microfinance institutions, placing a demand on existing staff to remain savvy business people in order to stay abreast of the competition.

To remain competitive, a well-prepared staff that performs at an optimal level of effectiveness and efficiency is essential. In order to develop such a staff, however, microfinance institutions must design and implement training curricula suited to rapidly changing needs. These training curricula must include both general and specific training content that provides the employees with the necessary tools to do their jobs well. Equally as important, however, the process of designing and developing the curricula must prepare the organizational environment to support well-trained personnel.

By comparing two process oriented curriculum design models in the context of three microfinance institutions in Latin America, a hybrid model comprised of selected aspects from each in constructed. What emerges from this effort is an optimal way to design and develop a training curriculum that enhances an organization’s ability to elicit better performance from its employees and in turn, realize its institutional goals.


Business | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Human Resources Management
