"Secondary Level Study Abroad for Global Citizenship: Where are we now " by Danielle L. Lejnieks

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Gobbo


Despite the forward-looking vision of the field of international education, many study abroad programs serve to reinforce the neoliberal, neocolonial, and reductionist beliefs present in the prevailing educational paradigm. Education for global citizenship draws on a number of educational philosophies in an attempt to better prepare students to face the global challenges that lie ahead.

Education for sustainability (EFS), critical pedagogy, and service learning are models that offer great contributions towards a new educational paradigm. When combined with a study abroad experience, incredible learning opportunities exist for high school students. However, because little information is currently compiled about the state of study abroad at the high school level, little is known about the possibilities for uniting these fields.

A media survey of the field and interviews with current IE professionals help to illuminate the current state of secondary study abroad. Research shows that a lack of diversity of providers, destination countries, and curriculum coupled with lack of accessibility to programming has led to serious deficiencies in study abroad programming at the secondary level. Suggestions offered by current study abroad professionals and a review of the steps taken by forward-looking study abroad providers offer a glimpse of a possible direction for the field to head in. When combined with components of EFS, responsible tourism, service learning, critical pedagogy, and non-traditional locations a framework is designed for an international education pedagogy for global citizenship.


International and Comparative Education | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
