Degree Name

MA in Social Justice in Intercultural Relations

First Advisor

Ryland White


In the last three years the Youth Peacebuilding and Leadership Programs (YPLP) at the School for International Training (SIT) have undergone rapid expansion. In 2006 the program operated solely in the summer months, with one full time director, one seasonal director and eight summer staff. In 2009 multiple programs serve hundreds of students throughout the summer and academic year; they are run by two full time directors and a mostly-year round assistant director and fifteen summer staff. As the programs expanded, the organization struggled to maintain a staff training program that could meet the needs of the newly created programs and the increased level operations. This paper seeks to examine how the introduction of a competency based training program would benefit the staff and students of the YPLP. In this paper, I examine how my experience as a graduate student at the SIT Graduate Institute has shaped my own skills and abilities as a trainer. Additionally, I highlight the models, theories and frameworks I have found most useful as a trainer; both with students and in training of trainers programs. Through reflecting on my time as part of the staff and leadership of the YPLP, I discuss areas of improvement and make suggestions for future staff training curriculum.


Human Resources Management
