"Assessing Intercultural Competence in Children" by Gina Marie Difino

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Gobbo


International education in the context of a standard primary education has at times been relegated to only elite or diverse institutions and individuals. As the world becomes more connected through technology, many communities are recognizing the necessity of educating their youngest citizens to prepare to function with individuals who are very different from themselves. However, the international educational activities included in the internationalizing process often neglect to acknowledge, teach, and assess intercultural skills as a vital part of their curricula. Progressive school leaders, teachers, international education program supporters and developers need to prove to their communities and funding agencies that their programs are developing the same skills that they were put in place to develop. This research asked those individuals already heavily involved in international education to examine the intercultural assessment practices with individual students in their schools and programs to identify how they and others know that their students are developing these skills and attitudes. The study found that the majority of the 25 elementary international educators and professionals surveyed are not formally assessing intercultural skills and attitudes, though many see great promise in the development of a standardized instrument for validating the teachings of their programs and comparing their students to others around the world.


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | International and Comparative Education
