"Assessing Students’ Learning: Have they learned what we had hoped?" by CyBelle R. Barthelmess

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Gobbo


The following proposal will address the objectives and needs of the International Honors Program’s Cities in the 21st Century. The Cities program examines who, what, and how cities develop around the world. Though the Cities program has an overarching desire to teach students how to read a city, the program has not clearly or concisely defined its objectives. This proposal will suggest three concise objectives for the Cities program, offer qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing one of these objectives, and provide a plan for implementing these methods into various facets of the overall Cities program. The proposal will be piloted during the Cities’ Spring 2010 semester. This pilot will be a model which may be implemented in the future for all three of the program objectives, as well as a model for all IHP programs (Cities in the 21st Century, Health & Community, and Rethinking Globalization). This proposal offers suggestions based on theoretical foundations in order to better ensure the program’s objectives are being accomplished. It is the hope that through incorporating the following proposed assessment tools the Cities program will have clearly established objectives, methods of assessing the objectives, and data for the organization to utilize in making any necessary changes and assisting in the program’s marketing and recruiting strategies.


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
