"Study Abroad: A Vision for Hawai‘i Community College" by Holly T.K. Chang

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Adrian Sherman


Hawai‘i Community College (HawCC) is a small school located in the town of Hilo on Hawai‘i’s big island. A vision of the school is to make productive and engaged citizens capable of meeting the challenges of a global society; however, the school is limited in its international resources. There are international events held throughout the year and there were several faculty-led non-study abroad trips, but the school lacks a study abroad office as well as study abroad programming.

Because agriculture is so dominant in Hawai‘i and important to its people, a short, intensive 10-day study abroad program at Zamorano University in Honduras is proposed for HawCC’s Agriculture and Forest TEAM program. Students will be able to choose from a range of courses and can earn up to three credits. Students and faculty from HawCC will be able to challenge themselves and experience something new while at the same time expanding their knowledge of agriculture, agribusiness, and sustainability.


International and Comparative Education


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