"Botswana and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic" by Chele DeGruccio

Botswana and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Degree Name

MA in International and Intercultural Management

First Advisor

Kanthie Athukorala


This Capstone paper researches and analyses the potential for the Republic of Botswana to achieve sustainable development in light of the current HIV/AIDS epidemic. With an estimated HIV prevalence rate of 38.5 percent, the nation is currently facing an epidemic with the potential to wipe out the nation’s development achievements within less than a decade.

The HIV/AIDS epidemic is affecting every single sector in Botswana, and unless drastic measures are taken soon, there will be no healthy citizens to employ, and no more donor funding to help combat the epidemic. Therefore, it is apparent that traditional development models, those grounded in neo-classical economic thinking and promoted and practiced by most Western-based development agencies, will be non-applicable to this country’s situation.

By interviewing key actors in the development community, conducting a secondary data analysis of relevant literature, and eliciting feedback from 31 non-governmental organizations currently working in the development sector, this research paper attempts to explore how Botswana can achieve sustainable development in light of the AIDS epidemic. Conclusions drawn from interviews and secondary data analyses suggest that alternate development methodologies, focusing on participatory and community-based approaches, must be introduced in order to ensure the nation continues to attain a high degree of economic security and provide for its future generations.


Demography, Population, and Ecology | Epidemiology | International Public Health | Work, Economy and Organizations

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