
This paper attempts to capture the level of reconciliation that Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) have reached fifty-seven years after World War II by applying Hizkias Assefa's model of reconciliation. The research interest lies in the general field of International Conflict Resolution. The author finds it important to think about the issue of Japan and the ROK at this time because their relationship appears to have changed significantly in recent years, particularly in 2002. The paper consists of three components: analysis of the bilateral relationship in the post-war history, literature review, and qualitative research. The main question asked is: "How is the reconciliation process between Japan and the ROK in the last 10 years, making progress at each Track I and Track II level?" The research includes an interview with the following questions: How are mutual, reciprocal perceptions on the JAPAN-ROK relationship developing now at the Track II level? What are the elements of Track II diplomacy among recent efforts, that were effective in changing people's views toward each other ? Conclusions from the research highlight the importance of: 1.Mutual understanding of history; 2.Communication and collaboration of the Track I and Track II levels across the countries; and, 3.Mutual commitment by both countries on an equal level.
