"Completing The Study Abroad Cycle: A Reentry Orientation For Loyola Ma" by Sonja K. Thorsvik

Completing The Study Abroad Cycle: A Reentry Orientation For Loyola Marymount University

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Richard Rodman


This capstone has examined theoretical foundations of multi-level study abroad advances in the international education field, and their applicability within a designed reentry orientation for Loyola Marymount University's study abroad returnees. Processes for returning students were addressed dealing with mental and physical symptoms associated with reentry in the study abroad cycle: before, during, and after, such as reverse culture shock. Major study abroad reentry publications have been researched from 1993-2007 and situate the design within the larger context of United States study abroad growth rate statistics. The curriculum was viewed as two continuous learning circles teaching students cultural adaptation techniques and how to continue the study abroad experience in every day life. A reentry guidebook is carefully designed to include experiential learning techniques and supports various types of learners while compiling with best practices and industry standards. As the demand for study abroad opportunities continue to expand and become a more integrated part of students overall collegiate learning experience, the roll of study abroad coordinators and offices are being viewed as central support systems by students and universities.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | International and Comparative Education

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