"Developing Interculturally Competent and Global Citizens: An Intercul" by Katherine Irwin

Developing Interculturally Competent and Global Citizens: An Intercultural Communications Course for High School Students

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Richard Rodman


Northfield Mount Hermon School (NMH), located in western Massachusetts, is a co-educational, independent boarding and day preparatory school for students grades nine through twelve. As part of their academic schedule, all NMH students have the option to study abroad during their sophomore, junior or senior years. These study abroad programs are an integrated part of the curriculum and receive academic credit. Recent changes to the schedule for the 2007-2008 academic year have caused the school to reexamine the format and credit requirements of study abroad programs. This capstone strives to identify the needs of the institution, teachers and students in light of these changes, and recommends the integration of an intercultural communications course for all study abroad programs at NMH to address these needs.

Beginning in September 2007, all study abroad programs of three or more weeks will carry either a half or full credit in intercultural communications. In addition, this capstone proposes a curricular framework for the intercultural communications course to be used by all study abroad leaders for the 2007-2008 academic year. This curricular framework is rooted in current intercultural communication theories, and is adapted to fit the age level of the students as well as the experience and needs of the teachers at Northfield Mount Hermon. The final result is a flexible curriculum guide intended for the course instructors. The framework is designed around three phases of learning and is divided into thematic units specifically designed for this course. The overarching goal is to is to create an environment in which students are encouraged to develop the knowledge, skills, attitude and awareness that is important in becoming interculturally competent citizens.


International and Comparative Education | International and Intercultural Communication

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