"Educator's experience with the New Curriculum in South Africa" by Jill Schurr

Educator's experience with the New Curriculum in South Africa

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

William Hoffa


The primary aim of this study was to describe thoughts and feelings associated with the New Curriculum (OBE/C2005) as it pertains to South African educators. The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) has, in compliance with national education policy, introduced Outcomes Based Education (OBE/C2005) in public schools in Gauteng Province, Johannesburg, South Africa since 1997. In describing educators' thoughts and feelings with regards to OBE, 15 educators from 3 former TED, 2 former DET and 5 former HOR/D Secondary schools were interviewed. Open-ended in-depth interviews were conducted using the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET). The ZMET goal is to better understand people's thoughts and feelings-their goals, needs, desires and values-about a particular topic. ZMET uses visual and non-visual images gathered by subjects to elicit and probe the metaphors that represent subjects' thoughts and feelings about a topic. During the ZMET interview, Khulisa researchers collected verbal descriptions of the educator's thoughts and feelings represented by the images they pasted onto a collage to help understand their meaning. This technique was designed by Gerald Zaltman to help consumers, in this study for educators, reveal the metaphors that organize and structure their thoughts and feelings about a topic. Included in recognizing metaphoric expressions are deep metaphors and surface metaphors. In terms of deep metaphors, it became apparent that two deep metaphors structure and organize educators' thoughts and feelings about OBE, namely that OBE can be frustrating and stressful, while also being beneficial. Overall, OBE must involve administrators, educators, parents, teachers and students for successful implementation.

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