"Good intentions for Grafenhainichen : cross-cultural training for yout" by Robin S. Mueller

Good intentions for Grafenhainichen : cross-cultural training for youth

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Gobbo


Projects involving the training and education of youth require specific consideration to achieve effective results. This study presents results from a survey involving participants in a cross-cultural training event held in the eastern German town of Gräfenhainichen. The students of a secondary school were asked to complete a survey regarding the preparation and implementation of the project as well as their personal reflection and learning. Guests from three countries (China, Togo, and USA) facilitated the event, which was coordinated by an outside not-for-profit organization. Data analysis revealed that many students found aspects of the training unsuccessful, referring especially to the lack of preparation on the part of the facilitators. A review of documents revealed that effective cross-cultural training is relevant, beneficial, and critical for youth and requires additional sensitivity when administered in regions of low diversity. Analysis of the student survey and relevant documents were integrated to reach conclusions regarding essential elements for future cross-cultural training endeavors for youth.

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