Where is the Color in Anti-Corporate Globalization Organizations? An In-Depth Case Study of Anti-Racism and Multicultural Organizational Development in an Anti-Corporate Globalization Organization in Minnesota

Degree Name

MA in Social Justice in Intercultural Relations

First Advisor

Ken Williams


The purpose of this research was to examine an anti-corporate globalization organization’s espoused theories and theories-in-use concerning anti-racism and multiculturalism and to analyze the alignment between what the organization is stating it wants to achieve and what it is actually doing to achieve its objectives. This project contributes new knowledge to the intercultural field by analyzing an anti-corporate globalization organization under the context of racism and multiculturalism. This type of study, within this context, has never been examined. An instrumental singular case study was selected as a research method and the researcher used a postmodern paradigm to examine the data collected to analyze and present it. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, participant observations, and document reviews.

Using a postmodern paradigm, data analysis and findings are presented as “readings” rather than “observations.” The researcher intends to bring voices to the surface and “look to the unique rather than to the general, to intertextual relations rather than causality, and to the unrepeatable rather than the re-occurring” (Gubrium and Holstein 2003, 4). Whenever possible, the researcher has let the data present itself. This paper concludes that increased communication, training, empowerment, and a financial commitment from staff will help to ensure that the organization’s values and actions are anti-racist and multicultural.

The case study does have applicability that organizations can use when assessing themselves. The results demonstrate how founding stereotypical ideas influence future policies; how organizations can appear to be internally unified, but actually only focused on a few common goals; how funding and recruitment policies play a direct role in the organization’s outreach to its target population; and how leadership and decision-making policies can directly relate to employee morale on the issue of race and empowerment.


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies

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