"Beyond The Job Training: A New Approach To Training Third-Party Provi" by Eliza Camire-Akey

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Gobbo


This training program is presented to the Executive Director of CIS Abroad and its partners as a way to expand recruitment efforts while, at the same time, helping to turn today’s recruiters into tomorrow’s leaders in the field of International Education. This proposal will address all aspects of a 21-month training program from the first weeks of in-person training to the end of a CIS Abroad Representative’s two-year contract. It will also focus on the needs assessments and evaluation plans that will be in place throughout to make sure we are achieving our goals. This training design provides an amazing opportunity for CIS Abroad. The training will prepare our new recruiters to represent CIS Abroad to the best of their ability throughout the country. It will also allow for us to add new voices to the important conversations in the field of International Education. The first three weeks of the training program will take place in person, with trainees learning background information on CIS Abroad and the field of International Education, the skills needed to work as University Relations (UR) Representatives, and a strong foundation in what CIS Abroad has to offer its students. Once the UR Representatives are out on their own, we will continue to provide them with training through scheduled webinars during recruiting season and in-person trainings during the off-peak recruiting season. While participating in this 21-month training, our UR Representatives will be asked to create a Professional Learning Plan that will include their own goals for this experience. They will work closely with a mentor from the CIS Abroad Advisory Board and also keep a journal of their experiences and learning. This proposal provides a brief background of who CIS Abroad was and is today, where this training fits into the new CIS Abroad, goals and objectives, needs assessment, curriculum design, staffing plan, program marketing, hiring of participants, logistics, health and safety plan, evaluation plan, budget, and future considerations. This proposal will focus most heavily on the first three-week training as a prototype for the rest of the training, which will be outlined below.


International and Area Studies | International and Comparative Education | Other Educational Administration and Supervision | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development
