Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Karen Blanchard

Second Advisor

Jim Levinson


The purpose of this capstone is to present a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan of the core competencies, for Skilled Birth Attendants (SBA) of Nepal. The World Health Organization has laid out 10 specific skills that assess a SBAs competency. Nepal presently lacks any formal process for monitoring quality assurance of its SBAs and therefore has no measurement of their effectiveness. This Capstone proposes a simple M&E plan to begin the process of quality measurement, using a recent follow-up study done by the Nepali government, other articles and the experiences of the author. The tools included in this Capstone are presented with the intention that they will be modified as necessary by the government in ways consistent with government protocols. Quality of care is complex, and skill assessment is only one component of a much larger system filled with many smaller constraints facing the efficacy of SBAs. Micro-level constraints are reviewed and examined. Recommendations include, (1) eliciting the cooperation of international partners, (2) with the help of these partners, gleaning wisdom from successful SBA M&E processes functioning elsewhere, and (3) creating M&E programs for other components of SBA operations.


Health Services Administration | Health Services Research | Maternal and Child Health


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