"Spain & Morocco: Issues in Hospitality & Tourism" by Shanathan Crayton

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

David Shallenberger


Miami Dade College (MDC) is the largest undergraduate serving institution of higher education in the United States, holding a student population of nearly 175,000. With eight campuses and numerous outreach centers in South Florida, the college is committed to enhancing the academic presence of its local communities. MDC takes great pride in being one of the major contributors to the growth and progress of South Florida, especially in the area of hospitality and tourism. The college hosts various festivals and international events at several of its campuses. Furthermore, Miami Dade County’s economy relies strongly on its hospitality and tourism industry, seeking top, quality professionals to enhance the industry and to make it one of the best worldwide.

This capstone is a proposal for the Spain & Morocco: Issues in Hospitality & Tourism (SMIHT) study abroad program for a maximum of 15 Miami Dade College students. With a new three-credit hour course, Issues in Hospitality and Tourism: A Focus on the Culinary Arts, the SMIHT program will challenge its participants by fostering unique cross-cultural experiences. Literature on short-term study abroad, predeparture orientations and reentry programming, along with experiential learning and identity development theories, will help to shape the program design and enhance the students’ learning experiences. With an overview of issues in the culinary arts profession, participants will learn about particular issues in Spain and Morocco. Although a hospitality and tourism study abroad program occurred in the summer of 2011, the one for 2013 will consist of changes based on assessments, evaluations and recommendations from both stakeholders and participants of the program in 2011.


International and Comparative Education


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