"Road Scholar Service-Learning Corps: Reflection and Reciprocity in Raj" by Lezlie R. Weber

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

William Hoffa


Road Scholar (RS) is the name for the programs developed and offered by Elderhostel, Inc., the not-for-profit leader in lifelong learning since 1975. RS inspires adults to learn, discover and travel (Road Scholar, 2012). Currently, RS is in the process of launching five new service-learning programs over the next two years. Road Scholar runs five different programs yearly to India; of the current programs offered there is no service-learning component throughout any of the programs. The specific location in India was chosen due to the need for an additional English teacher at the public school. There are a growing number of educational intuitions in Kalwar, India and it may become the educational hub for Jaipur. The following capstone addresses the program design, development, budget, implementation and delivery of a three-week service program for Road Scholar participants. I created this program collaboratively with the Asia Program Manager and Director of Program Development in the Brattleboro office of Road Scholar. The service program is scheduled to launch the first week of November 2012. Based on consumer interest RS hopes to offer this program monthly until March 2013 and run it yearly to create a stable and sustainable environment on-site.


Adult and Continuing Education Administration | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | International and Comparative Education
