"Social Entrepreneurship in Egypt: Turning Revolutionary Ambition into " by Chris C. Blackwood

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

David Shallenberger


Social Entrepreneurship in Egypt: Turning Revolutionary Ambition into Tangible Results is a research paper that seeks to provide a model for sustainable social entrepreneurship (SE) development in Egypt and the surrounding Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The research consists of two primary areas: 1) the field of SE as a whole, along with traits shared by successful social enterprises, and 2) the modern Egyptian context, and the integration of best SE practices in the country and surrounding region during the modern revolutionary era. This is a paper that focuses on social change, and thus several social change theories are examined and used to both understand the changes that have taken place in Egypt, as well as corroborate the proposed SE approach to catalyze those changes. Information was obtained from a thorough literature review along with a trip to Egypt, which entailed interviews with leading social enterprise incubators in the country, as well as a survey that was distributed to social entrepreneurs throughout Egypt.


Civic and Community Engagement | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Other Education | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development | Social Influence and Political Communication | Work, Economy and Organizations
