Degree Name

MA in Intercultural Service, Leadership, and Management

First Advisor

Ken Williams


Branding is an integral journey that precedes, includes and surpasses any marketing and advertising effort; it entails an internal process of self-discovery, combined with the exportation (marketing) of organizational values through visual and tangible means (advertising). This capstone focused on the following questions: why is branding important for non-profits? What factors contribute to non-profits not focusing on branding? In addition, what strategies can small non-profits use to develop and manage their brand more effectively? The first question was explored through literature, while the second was explored both theoretically and empirically beginning with an analysis of why branding is a challenging subject for non-profits, in particularly to small non-profits. Both questions are addressed in the literature review. It is during the literature review that both Kemp’s and Zimmerman’s recommendations surface in two distinct articles, both providing very practical advice on how to approach branding. The third question was addressed by combining their recommendation to create the Kemp-Zimmerman model. The application of this model led to the research methodology, which provided a record of data collection and application of the Kemp-Zimmerman model to Lazos de Amor. Regarding the first question, this capstone concluded that branding is important for non-profits because it is its strongest asset. On the second question, it concluded that monetary constrains, lack of personnel and lack of awareness about the importance of branding are the main obstacles to nonprofit branding. Finally, on the third question it concluded that, despite these obstacles, the Kemp-Zimmerman model could be an effective branding strategy for small nonprofits.


Advertising and Promotion Management | Marketing | Organizational Behavior and Theory
