"Gaging the Education Abroad Perception: A Survey of Personnel at the U" by Jennifer R. Krahn

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Sora Friedman


As higher education institutions nationwide are striving to increase the number of U.S. students having international experiences, it is important that international programs professionals are not the only advocates for education abroad on campus. Administration, faculty, and staff buy-in is invaluable as the policy makers and leaders across campus, and their personal experiences, opinions, and endorsements are powerful. The University of Wisconsin system has a system-wide goal for each campus to have 25 percent of their students study abroad, and therefore, the University of Wisconsin-Platteville (UW-Platteville) is looking to administration, faculty, and staff for support in increasing education abroad participation. This capstone and research project aims to gage the level of international experience and education abroad support that currently exists among the personnel at the UW-Platteville while also determining how UW-Platteville Education Abroad staff must better educate and engage the campus’ administration, faculty, and academic staff. The research was conducted using a questionnaire surveying current administrators, faculty, and staff at UW-Platteville and through voluntary follow-up interviews. Results from the project indicate that the personnel at UW-Platteville have a variety of international experiences themselves and believe that education abroad is a preferred part of the undergraduate experience for UW-Platteville students. However, although they are supportive, a considerable number of respondents are not confident in their knowledge of education abroad or in discussing important considerations of education abroad with students. An analysis of the questionnaire data and interview responses leads to conclusions, applicability, and recommendations for future action by UW-Platteville Education Abroad.


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Education Policy | International and Comparative Education | Other International and Area Studies | Student Counseling and Personnel Services


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