"Developing a Pre-Departure and Re-Entry Orientation for Study Abroad S" by Jennifer Ramos

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Sora Friedman


Due to the Chilean government’s recent realization of the importance of international education, the concept of studying abroad is gradually becoming a more realistic opportunity for students pursuing undergraduate degrees in Chilean tertiary education than before. However, although the opportunities have increased, the support services/guidance offered to the students has remained at an extremely limited standstill. The Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (UCSC) is a small private university located in Chile’s second largest city, Concepción. The majority of the students attending the UCSC are from the lower half of the socioeconomic scale in Chile as well as first-generation university students. This capstone paper is a proposal for an innovative pre-departure and re-entry orientation for the UCSC Office of International Affairs. Through questionnaires and one-on-one interviews with the staff of the Office of International Affairs as well as past participants the findings of this research have shown there is a real need for assistance pre-, during, and post-study abroad. The intention of this pre-departure and re-entry orientation is to increase the support and guidance currently given to UCSC students and their guardians as they embark on and return from their study abroad sojourn.


Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Higher Education Administration | International and Comparative Education


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