"CISabroad: Training and Development of Site Directors" by Jessica Parks

CISabroad: Training and Development of Site Directors

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Dr. Sora Friedman

Second Advisor

Raymond Young


The focus of this research was to analyze the current professional development and training resources that CISabroad, a study abroad company, uses for their Site Directors. Furthermore, this particular research addresses how the development of new training resources and projects has helped Site Directors improve the quality of programs onsite for CISabroad.

The primary methodology tool used for this research was a company-wide needs assessment that used informal interviews and online evaluations in order to gather information about the quality of programs onsite. The evaluations focused on the quality of programs onsite because this was reflective of the training that Site Directors have received from CISabroad management. The needs assessment included the following stakeholders: student participants, CISabroad Program Coordinators and CISabroad Site Directors.

The needs assessment provided a clear affirmation of the struggles that CISabroad faced with Site Directors. CISabroad has maintained working relationships with Site Directors for a long time, but the company consistently has issues with Site Director management and professional development. Some examples of issues that were discovered include lack of training in budgeting and branding as well as a poor hiring and staffing system for Site Directors. Throughout my practicum with CISabroad these issues, as well as several others that are discussed throughout this essay, have been addressed by implementing projects and new systems in order to enhance Site Director training and development.

The goal of this research was to contribute information to the field of international education that addresses how cross-cultural frameworks can be used as a tool for enhanced training and development for US corporations.


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | International and Comparative Education | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development

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