"North Dakota State University Study Abroad Strategic Plan: Enhancing " by Krysta Gorder

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Richard Rodman


This study analyzes current study abroad efforts at North Dakota State University (NDSU) and aids in the design of a strategic plan to grow student mobility numbers. The NDSU study abroad office (SAO) desires to increase the number of students studying abroad from two percent to five percent of the study body by the year 2019. In order to establish accountability across the entire infrastructure of the institution, NDSU has signed onto a commitment with the Institute of International Education (IIE) and its Generation Study Abroad (GSA) initiative that aims to double the number of U.S. students nationwide that study abroad in five years. The research was conducted through an analysis and ongoing environmental scan of study abroad within the institution. The theory of change, the international education Matrix model, and modernization theory are contributing theoretical foundations discussed in regards to creating a sustainable study abroad culture on NDSU’s campus. The author develops a mission statement, program goals and objectives, and participant goals and objectives for the SAO that lay the foundation for a strategic plan that considers important strategies vital to the success of a three percent student mobility abroad increase in five years goal. This paper presents a design that includes benchmarks and desired outcomes for the following strategic areas: curriculum, staffing, program marketing, student recruitment and admissions, logistics, health and safety, crisis management, budget, and evaluation. The overall purpose of the research is to support the progression of study abroad as an internationalization effort within higher education as a direct response to globalization in conjunction with IIE and GSA.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Higher Education | International and Comparative Education


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